Final Manifesto
The Final Art is a concept of itself. The Final Art “sells” the concept of being a pure concept, as a mark point of ending the non-stopping concept revolution. However, the way to establish its existence as an artwork is confirmed by the buying act from the consumer or the confirmation of the audience. So this piece indirectly states that anything recognized and accepted by the market under the name of art is “art”, which is not a preferable outcome by the writer.
This reflection also criticizes the underlying fact about all those so-called modern art revolutions, since it is only recognized when it is supported by the market and the public. Art should come before observing the reaction of the public, instead, it is supported by the public as a result because it hits the crucial part of being a human, no matter what it is.
Where is an art revolution for the people? A kind of art that does not take serving the people as an intention, but is preferred by people rather than by a particular group of people (the upper social class specifically). Can the spirit of a nation or humanity be expressed by one singular person, and one singular person gets the profit out of it? A collective form of art needs to emerge, that is free from the capitalistic system, supported by the people yet not trapped by the market… some other profits except for economic or physical profits need to replace the existing ones, for art to be truly free.
If - art is not a plaything and hedonistic, but a means of exchange and understanding perception, and is therefore intellectually and mutually beneficial, then the new age of art/theater can move towards a form of exchange. Because this is by nature exchange, art is freed from the inevitable capitalist future. And the people who build this type of interaction, structure, and even technology - the artists - serve the common good of humanity.
And I think the true revolutions can only be started after that. Under the clouds of market selection, all concept revolutions are destined to be overshadowed by profits and recognition.